Is it necessary to eat the placenta or the placenta after giving birth

Maybe you've heard the story of some women who eat the placenta or the placenta after giving birth. Yes, this placental eating activity does exist and is often called placentophagy. For people who believe, taking the placenta can benefit the condition after giving birth. During pregnancy, your body forms and functions the placenta. This organ has an important role for your pregnancy, because the placenta can carry the substances needed by the fetus to survive and develop during the womb. These substances include nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and blood. After successfully delivering your baby normally, the struggle in the delivery room is not over. You still have to go through the last stage, which is pushing to remove the placenta. If you give birth by cesarean, the placenta will be removed by the doctor through your uterus. This process usually takes about 5 minutes or it may take up to 30 minutes. According to those who believe it, consuming the placenta after giving birth has the following benefits:
  • Increase stamina.
  • Breast milk production increases.
  • Stress hormones are reduced.
  • Depression levels after childbirth are reduced.
  • Improve iron levels in the blood.
  • Helps the uterus return to normal.
  • Makes you feel closer to the baby.
Even so, the notion of the benefits of consuming the placenta has not been fully medically proven. Further research must be done to ensure this. However, for most women who believe that the placenta can make their bodies better, they feel the benefits. But, that could only be the effect of suggestion. Actually, research on this has been done in animals. Consumption of the placenta may reduce pain due to childbirth in a dog. But unfortunately, that applies to animals, not humans.

How to take it?

There are several ways to consume the placenta that can be applied, among others, dried, ground into powder, then put into capsules, or even eat it raw while in the delivery room. Treat the placenta as well as meat products. The placenta can also rot if not stored properly. If you do not want to be processed, it is recommended to put it in the freezer. Consumption of the placenta used as a pill can be processed at home. But before that, you must know the technique to process it correctly by asking the doctor. Oia, if you want to cook it, make sure the placenta is thoroughly cooked. There are some women who eat it raw while in the delivery room, but remember the processing of the placenta is the same as meat, so it is advisable not to do it. Consuming raw can risk making you infected. Regarding its safety status, consumption of the placenta does not appear to carry any risk. However, there are also some cases of women who experience negative effects after consuming the placenta such as anxiety or dizziness. If you are interested in trying this method, it is advisable to consult with your doctor first.


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