Don't Underestimate the Benefits of Iron for the Body

Ensuring adequate iron intake is important. Because, there are many benefits of iron for health and fitness. Iron is a mineral that can do many things in the body. The benefits of iron for the body, including helping to keep the body from becoming anemic, to maintaining the health of body cells, nails, hair, and skin.

Various Benefits of Iron

Iron is a natural mineral contained in food and is also available in supplement form. Iron is a major component of hemoglobin formation, which is part of red blood cells. Iron also has a role in the body's metabolic processes, growth and development of the normal functioning of body cells, as well as the formation of hormones and connective tissue. Other benefits of iron that can be obtained are overcoming learning disabilities in children. Because iron plays a role in improving thinking ability, learning ability, concentration and memory. Not only that, another benefit of iron is to produce energy from nutritious intake. Iron also influences the transmission of electrical signals in the body's nervous system.

Iron Deficiency

Considering the role of iron is very important for the body, then you should ensure that your daily iron needs are sufficient. Lack of iron intake can cause various health problems, including:
  • Causes anemia

  • The body needs red blood cells to get enough oxygen. Meanwhile, red blood cells are formed from hemoglobin which contains iron. So it can be said that iron is an important component in the formation of oxygen-carrying cells throughout. When a person is deficient in iron, there is an increased risk of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, menstruation can also cause a woman to lack iron, especially when the volume of blood that comes out quite a lot or a long menstrual period.
  • Trigger hair loss

  • Iron deficiency can also cause hair loss. It is recommended to include foods containing iron into the daily menu to avoid this. Foods that contain iron include oysters, shellfish, legumes, and spinach.
  • Cause fatigue and weakness

  • As mentioned above, iron is an important component in the formation of red blood cells. Without healthy red blood cells, the body will have problems getting oxygen. This can cause fatigue and weakness.
  • Increases the risk of health problems in the unborn baby

  • During pregnancy, women need adequate iron intake. Because, iron deficiency in pregnant women can endanger the health of the baby. Pregnant women who are iron deficient are at risk for giving birth to premature babies, low birth weight babies and death in newborns.
Fulfilling Iron Needs by Consumption of These Foods If you don't want to experience iron deficiency, it's a good idea to eat several types of iron-rich foods, such as the following:
  • Heart

  • Beef liver or chicken liver apparently includes foods that contain iron is quite high. Nutrition found in beef liver or chicken liver is not only iron, but also contains protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and zinc. However, liver consumption must be limited. because it can increase cholesterol in the blood. Including pregnant women should limit liver consumption. This can cause too much intake of vitamin A which is harmful to the health of the unborn child. It is recommended to consume liver in small portions.
  • Spinach

  • Green vegetables are not only rich in vitamins, fiber, protein and calcium, but spinach also contains iron in quite high amounts. In one bowl of spinach is at least more than 6 mg of iron. You can consume it by boiling it or sautéing it to make it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients in it.
  • Oyster

  • Seafood containing iron include oysters and shellfish. In 5 medium-sized oysters contain about 3 mg of iron. In oysters, not only contains iron, but there are some important nutrients such as vitamin B12 and zinc. If you don't like it, you can replace it with tuna or salmon. However, pregnant women are advised to be more careful in eating seafood. Although rich in iron and omega-3 fatty acids, seafood is also prone to have high mercury content which can affect the development and brain of infants.
Iron in foods can also be obtained from other types of foods such as soybeans, pumpkin seeds, beans, legumes, sesame seeds and iron-fortified cereals. You can enter various types of food into your daily menu. There are various benefits of iron which are very important for maintaining optimal bodily functions and health. Consumption of foods containing iron regularly. If you need to consume iron supplements, it should be done after consulting a doctor.


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